Returning in 2025

Returning in 2025

Returning in 2025

Haba Gala

Haba Gala

Haba Gala

This year's Gala was hosted at Kaja Kultuurikeskus with the theme of Enchanted Forest, where sustainability met elegance. Check out the event's pictures and video below!

150+ winners

who truly earned it

who truly earned it

26 years

of memorable events

of memorable events

2 600+ guests

that made it special

that made it special

They made it possible

They made it possible

They made it possible

Down the memory lane

Haba Gala is our school’s recognition event, organized by the Student Council in memory of our dear professor Madis Habakuk, founder and economist of Estonian Business School. The main purpose of the event is to acknowledge those who have been most outstanding in EBS during the year.


The first Haba Gala was organized by EBS Student Council

Golden Haba Gala award winners

Best jokes - Jaan Alver

Athlete of the year - Team EBS

The most popular subject - Marketing

The event of the year - Meeting party

Person of the year - Kaido Irval

The most beautiful girl - Mairit Roosaar​The best student - Virgo Süsi​

The most stylish teacher - Tiia-Maria Reimal

Golden Haba Gala award winners

The best first-language teacher - Jaan Rand

The best second-language teacher - Oleg Kravtšenko

The best real subject teacher - Peep Sillandi

The best humanities teacher - Arno Almann

The biggest party soul - Alice Laas



Haba Gala had a break for some years and came back in 2007

Golden Haba Gala award winners

Support of the year - Karmen Harju

EBS genius - Mihkel Härm

The sharer of knowledge - Arno Almann

Press friend - Gerd Kanter

Act of the year - Maida Lastekodu charity campaign

The most stylish teacher - Tiina Tšatšua

Promoter of the year - Katrin Heinla

Lifetime award - Madis Habakuk



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Support of the year - Triin Sillaots

Sharer of knowledge - Jaan Ennulo

The most stylish teacher - Karmo Kroos

Winners - Jan Andresoo

Winners - Katrin Heinla

Winners - Erkki Saarniit



Golden Haba Gala award winners

EBS genius of the year - Priit Viru

Support of the year - Ingrid Polis

The most stylish teacher - Jaanika Sarv

The sharer of knowledge - Tiina Tšatšua

Golden Alumni - Rain Laane

Event of the year - EBS 20th anniversary ball (Marketing department)



Golden Haba Gala award winners

The most stylish teacher - Tiia-Maria Reimal

Knowledge sharer - Arno Almann

Support of the year - Tiina Tšatšua

Golden Alumni - Erki Kilu

ERASMUS of the year - Philipp Thrun

Brain of the year - Oksana Tšõganova

Promoter of the year - Viktoria Naumenko

The event of the year - Welcome Party



Golden Haba Gala award winners

The most stylish teacher - Robert Pefferly

The sharer of knowledge - Tiina Tšatšua

Support of the year - Karmen Harju

Golden Alumni - Erkki Saarniit

ERASMUS of the year - Shiqi Zhang (Freeman)

Brains of the year - Ants Liivat

The promoter of the year - Sander Kasak



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Golden Alumni - Anne Mere

The sharer of knowledge - Jaanika Sarv

Support of the year - Maarja Murumägi

ERASMUS of the year - Valerio Lecci

Brains of the year - Rasmus Noormägi

The promoter of the year - Katri Teller

Event of the year - Welcoming party

The most stylish teacher - Mari Kooskora

The student council member of the year - Kadri Lenk



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Brain of the year - Greta Babarskaite

Erasmus of the year - Georgia Skountzou

Receptionist of the year - Urmas Siilak

Stapler of the year - Karmen Harju

Support of the year - Viljo Kallas

Mentor of the year - Riina Koris

Activist of the year - Timmu Tõke

Colleague of the year - Toomas Danneberg

Golden Alumni - Kriss Soonik

EBSter of the year - Haver Järvoja



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Brain of the year - Timmu Tõke

Erasmus of the year - Katharina Binder

Activist of the year - Victoria Tääker

Support of the year - Juko-Mart Kõlar

Mentor of the year - Riina Koris

Golden Alumni - Sirli Kalep

Receptionist of the year - Urmas Siilak

Colleague of the year - Heli Temper

Paper-staplerer of the year - Heli Temper

EBSter of the year - Kristjan Oro



Golden Haba Gala award winners

The helper of the year- Karmen Aasanurm

Housefairy of the year - Niina Troškina

Erasmus of the year - Valentine Auquebon

Colleague of the year - Anni Metstak

Support of the year - Jaan Rand

Mentor of the year - Alar Kein

Incoming lecturer of the year - Aavo Reinfeldt

Genius of the year - Renate Jõul

Partner of the year - Volkswagen Financial Services

Golden Alumni - Kristi Liiva

Activist of the year - Liisa Maide

EBSter of the year - Kaarel Kotkas



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Brain of the year - Lisanna Pihlak

Golden alumni - Kristjan Luha

EBSter of the year - Jürgen Jürgenson

ERASMUS of the year - Vasilis Krystallakis

Teacher of the year - Tiina Tšatšua

Colleague of the year - Triin Sillaots

Helper of the year - Karmen Aasanurm

Activist of the year - Liisa Maide

Housefairy of the year - Nina Troškina

Hebster of the year - Timo Kortelainen



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Brain of the year - Marina Zimakosova

Activist of the year - Kaisa Pilnik

Housefairy of the year - Aime Urb

Golden Alumni - Martin Villig

Helper of the year - Sheila Süda

Ebster of the year - Liisa-Maria Lillepea

Exchange student of the year - Sutton Bremner

Hebster of the year - Jutta Kumpulainen

Teacher of the year - Anto Liivat

Colleague of the year - Maarja Laos

Partner of the year - Sihtasutus Archimedes

Reet Talvik - Life-time award

Honorary award - Sirli Kalep



This year's Gala was a lot different from the usual due to a worldwide pandemic. But we still had a small dinner with our awesome nominees

Golden Haba Gala award winners

Brain of the year - Liisa Marie Ruudna

Housefairy of the year - Rene-Rainer Säkk

Helper of the year - Liisa Maide

Colleague of the year - Sheila Süda

Erasmus of the year -Anna Del Magno

Teacher of the year -Oliver Laas

Hebster of the year - Alexandros Siafos

Activist of the year - Karolin Veeorg

Golden Alumni - Madis Müller

EBSter of the year - Henri Lindal

Life-time award - Karmen Harju



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Colleague of the year - Raiko Koorem

Bachelor's student of the year - Cathy Vahi

Master's student of the year - Mart Mänd

Ph.D. Student of the Year - Renee Pesor

Hebster of the year - Denis Shemyakin

Lecturer of the year - Riina Koris

Alumnus of the year - Davor Tamm

Partner of the year - The Startup Wise Guys

Life-time award - Jaan Rand


Golden Haba Gala hosts 2024
Estonian Business School's Golden Haba Gala at Kaja Kultuurikeskus


This year's Gala was hosted at Kaja Kultuurikeskus with the theme of Enchanted Forest, where sustainability met elegance. Check out the event's video and pictures!

Golden Haba Gala award winners

Sharer of Knowledge - Aet Toots

Brain of the Year - Ester Nugis

Housefairy of the Year - Ljudmilla Zubtšenko

The Biggest Party Soul - Aleks Timm

Activist of the Year - Amorlianna Sanchez

Alumni of the Year - Randy Padar

Ebster of the Year - Gabriel Männe

Hebster of the Year - Veera Forsell

Honorary award - Made Katsević



Golden Haba Gala is returning…



The first Haba Gala was organized by EBS Student Council

Golden Haba Gala award winners

Best jokes - Jaan Alver

Athlete of the year - Team EBS

The most popular subject - Marketing

The event of the year - Meeting party

Person of the year - Kaido Irval

The most beautiful girl - Mairit Roosaar​The best student - Virgo Süsi​

The most stylish teacher - Tiia-Maria Reimal

Golden Haba Gala award winners

The best first-language teacher - Jaan Rand

The best second-language teacher - Oleg Kravtšenko

The best real subject teacher - Peep Sillandi

The best humanities teacher - Arno Almann

The biggest party soul - Alice Laas



Haba Gala had a break for some years and came back in 2007

Golden Haba Gala award winners

Support of the year - Karmen Harju

EBS genius - Mihkel Härm

The sharer of knowledge - Arno Almann

Press friend - Gerd Kanter

Act of the year - Maida Lastekodu charity campaign

The most stylish teacher - Tiina Tšatšua

Promoter of the year - Katrin Heinla

Lifetime award - Madis Habakuk



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Support of the year - Triin Sillaots

Sharer of knowledge - Jaan Ennulo

The most stylish teacher - Karmo Kroos

Winners - Jan Andresoo

Winners - Katrin Heinla

Winners - Erkki Saarniit



Golden Haba Gala award winners

EBS genius of the year - Priit Viru

Support of the year - Ingrid Polis

The most stylish teacher - Jaanika Sarv

The sharer of knowledge - Tiina Tšatšua

Golden Alumni - Rain Laane

Event of the year - EBS 20th anniversary ball (Marketing department)



Golden Haba Gala award winners

The most stylish teacher - Tiia-Maria Reimal

Knowledge sharer - Arno Almann

Support of the year - Tiina Tšatšua

Golden Alumni - Erki Kilu

ERASMUS of the year - Philipp Thrun

Brain of the year - Oksana Tšõganova

Promoter of the year - Viktoria Naumenko

The event of the year - Welcome Party



Golden Haba Gala award winners

The most stylish teacher - Robert Pefferly

The sharer of knowledge - Tiina Tšatšua

Support of the year - Karmen Harju

Golden Alumni - Erkki Saarniit

ERASMUS of the year - Shiqi Zhang (Freeman)

Brains of the year - Ants Liivat

The promoter of the year - Sander Kasak



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Golden Alumni - Anne Mere

The sharer of knowledge - Jaanika Sarv

Support of the year - Maarja Murumägi

ERASMUS of the year - Valerio Lecci

Brains of the year - Rasmus Noormägi

The promoter of the year - Katri Teller

Event of the year - Welcoming party

The most stylish teacher - Mari Kooskora

The student council member of the year - Kadri Lenk



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Brain of the year - Greta Babarskaite

Erasmus of the year - Georgia Skountzou

Receptionist of the year - Urmas Siilak

Stapler of the year - Karmen Harju

Support of the year - Viljo Kallas

Mentor of the year - Riina Koris

Activist of the year - Timmu Tõke

Colleague of the year - Toomas Danneberg

Golden Alumni - Kriss Soonik

EBSter of the year - Haver Järvoja



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Brain of the year - Timmu Tõke

Erasmus of the year - Katharina Binder

Activist of the year - Victoria Tääker

Support of the year - Juko-Mart Kõlar

Mentor of the year - Riina Koris

Golden Alumni - Sirli Kalep

Receptionist of the year - Urmas Siilak

Colleague of the year - Heli Temper

Paper-staplerer of the year - Heli Temper

EBSter of the year - Kristjan Oro



Golden Haba Gala award winners

The helper of the year- Karmen Aasanurm

Housefairy of the year - Niina Troškina

Erasmus of the year - Valentine Auquebon

Colleague of the year - Anni Metstak

Support of the year - Jaan Rand

Mentor of the year - Alar Kein

Incoming lecturer of the year - Aavo Reinfeldt

Genius of the year - Renate Jõul

Partner of the year - Volkswagen Financial Services

Golden Alumni - Kristi Liiva

Activist of the year - Liisa Maide

EBSter of the year - Kaarel Kotkas



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Brain of the year - Lisanna Pihlak

Golden alumni - Kristjan Luha

EBSter of the year - Jürgen Jürgenson

ERASMUS of the year - Vasilis Krystallakis

Teacher of the year - Tiina Tšatšua

Colleague of the year - Triin Sillaots

Helper of the year - Karmen Aasanurm

Activist of the year - Liisa Maide

Housefairy of the year - Nina Troškina

Hebster of the year - Timo Kortelainen



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Brain of the year - Marina Zimakosova

Activist of the year - Kaisa Pilnik

Housefairy of the year - Aime Urb

Golden Alumni - Martin Villig

Helper of the year - Sheila Süda

Ebster of the year - Liisa-Maria Lillepea

Exchange student of the year - Sutton Bremner

Hebster of the year - Jutta Kumpulainen

Teacher of the year - Anto Liivat

Colleague of the year - Maarja Laos

Partner of the year - Sihtasutus Archimedes

Reet Talvik - Life-time award

Honorary award - Sirli Kalep



This year's Gala was a lot different from the usual due to a worldwide pandemic. But we still had a small dinner with our awesome nominees

Golden Haba Gala award winners

Brain of the year - Liisa Marie Ruudna

Housefairy of the year - Rene-Rainer Säkk

Helper of the year - Liisa Maide

Colleague of the year - Sheila Süda

Erasmus of the year -Anna Del Magno

Teacher of the year -Oliver Laas

Hebster of the year - Alexandros Siafos

Activist of the year - Karolin Veeorg

Golden Alumni - Madis Müller

EBSter of the year - Henri Lindal

Life-time award - Karmen Harju



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Colleague of the year - Raiko Koorem

Bachelor's student of the year - Cathy Vahi

Master's student of the year - Mart Mänd

Ph.D. Student of the Year - Renee Pesor

Hebster of the year - Denis Shemyakin

Lecturer of the year - Riina Koris

Alumnus of the year - Davor Tamm

Partner of the year - The Startup Wise Guys

Life-time award - Jaan Rand



This year's Gala was hosted at Kaja Kultuurikeskus with the theme of Enchanted Forest, where sustainability met elegance. Check out the event's video and pictures!

Golden Haba Gala award winners

Sharer of Knowledge - Aet Toots

Brain of the Year - Ester Nugis

Housefairy of the Year - Ljudmilla Zubtšenko

The Biggest Party Soul - Aleks Timm

Activist of the Year - Amorlianna Sanchez

Alumni of the Year - Randy Padar

Ebster of the Year - Gabriel Männe

Hebster of the Year - Veera Forsell

Honorary award - Made Katsević



Golden Haba Gala is returning…



The first Haba Gala was organized by EBS Student Council

Golden Haba Gala award winners

Best jokes - Jaan Alver

Athlete of the year - Team EBS

The most popular subject - Marketing

The event of the year - Meeting party

Person of the year - Kaido Irval

The most beautiful girl - Mairit Roosaar​The best student - Virgo Süsi​

The most stylish teacher - Tiia-Maria Reimal

Golden Haba Gala award winners

The best first-language teacher - Jaan Rand

The best second-language teacher - Oleg Kravtšenko

The best real subject teacher - Peep Sillandi

The best humanities teacher - Arno Almann

The biggest party soul - Alice Laas



Haba Gala had a break for some years and came back in 2007

Golden Haba Gala award winners

Support of the year - Karmen Harju

EBS genius - Mihkel Härm

The sharer of knowledge - Arno Almann

Press friend - Gerd Kanter

Act of the year - Maida Lastekodu charity campaign

The most stylish teacher - Tiina Tšatšua

Promoter of the year - Katrin Heinla

Lifetime award - Madis Habakuk



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Support of the year - Triin Sillaots

Sharer of knowledge - Jaan Ennulo

The most stylish teacher - Karmo Kroos

Winners - Jan Andresoo

Winners - Katrin Heinla

Winners - Erkki Saarniit



Golden Haba Gala award winners

EBS genius of the year - Priit Viru

Support of the year - Ingrid Polis

The most stylish teacher - Jaanika Sarv

The sharer of knowledge - Tiina Tšatšua

Golden Alumni - Rain Laane

Event of the year - EBS 20th anniversary ball (Marketing department)



Golden Haba Gala award winners

The most stylish teacher - Tiia-Maria Reimal

Knowledge sharer - Arno Almann

Support of the year - Tiina Tšatšua

Golden Alumni - Erki Kilu

ERASMUS of the year - Philipp Thrun

Brain of the year - Oksana Tšõganova

Promoter of the year - Viktoria Naumenko

The event of the year - Welcome Party



Golden Haba Gala award winners

The most stylish teacher - Robert Pefferly

The sharer of knowledge - Tiina Tšatšua

Support of the year - Karmen Harju

Golden Alumni - Erkki Saarniit

ERASMUS of the year - Shiqi Zhang (Freeman)

Brains of the year - Ants Liivat

The promoter of the year - Sander Kasak



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Golden Alumni - Anne Mere

The sharer of knowledge - Jaanika Sarv

Support of the year - Maarja Murumägi

ERASMUS of the year - Valerio Lecci

Brains of the year - Rasmus Noormägi

The promoter of the year - Katri Teller

Event of the year - Welcoming party

The most stylish teacher - Mari Kooskora

The student council member of the year - Kadri Lenk



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Brain of the year - Greta Babarskaite

Erasmus of the year - Georgia Skountzou

Receptionist of the year - Urmas Siilak

Stapler of the year - Karmen Harju

Support of the year - Viljo Kallas

Mentor of the year - Riina Koris

Activist of the year - Timmu Tõke

Colleague of the year - Toomas Danneberg

Golden Alumni - Kriss Soonik

EBSter of the year - Haver Järvoja



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Brain of the year - Timmu Tõke

Erasmus of the year - Katharina Binder

Activist of the year - Victoria Tääker

Support of the year - Juko-Mart Kõlar

Mentor of the year - Riina Koris

Golden Alumni - Sirli Kalep

Receptionist of the year - Urmas Siilak

Colleague of the year - Heli Temper

Paper-staplerer of the year - Heli Temper

EBSter of the year - Kristjan Oro



Golden Haba Gala award winners

The helper of the year- Karmen Aasanurm

Housefairy of the year - Niina Troškina

Erasmus of the year - Valentine Auquebon

Colleague of the year - Anni Metstak

Support of the year - Jaan Rand

Mentor of the year - Alar Kein

Incoming lecturer of the year - Aavo Reinfeldt

Genius of the year - Renate Jõul

Partner of the year - Volkswagen Financial Services

Golden Alumni - Kristi Liiva

Activist of the year - Liisa Maide

EBSter of the year - Kaarel Kotkas



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Brain of the year - Lisanna Pihlak

Golden alumni - Kristjan Luha

EBSter of the year - Jürgen Jürgenson

ERASMUS of the year - Vasilis Krystallakis

Teacher of the year - Tiina Tšatšua

Colleague of the year - Triin Sillaots

Helper of the year - Karmen Aasanurm

Activist of the year - Liisa Maide

Housefairy of the year - Nina Troškina

Hebster of the year - Timo Kortelainen



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Brain of the year - Marina Zimakosova

Activist of the year - Kaisa Pilnik

Housefairy of the year - Aime Urb

Golden Alumni - Martin Villig

Helper of the year - Sheila Süda

Ebster of the year - Liisa-Maria Lillepea

Exchange student of the year - Sutton Bremner

Hebster of the year - Jutta Kumpulainen

Teacher of the year - Anto Liivat

Colleague of the year - Maarja Laos

Partner of the year - Sihtasutus Archimedes

Reet Talvik - Life-time award

Honorary award - Sirli Kalep



This year's Gala was a lot different from the usual due to a worldwide pandemic. But we still had a small dinner with our awesome nominees

Golden Haba Gala award winners

Brain of the year - Liisa Marie Ruudna

Housefairy of the year - Rene-Rainer Säkk

Helper of the year - Liisa Maide

Colleague of the year - Sheila Süda

Erasmus of the year -Anna Del Magno

Teacher of the year -Oliver Laas

Hebster of the year - Alexandros Siafos

Activist of the year - Karolin Veeorg

Golden Alumni - Madis Müller

EBSter of the year - Henri Lindal

Life-time award - Karmen Harju



Golden Haba Gala award winners

Colleague of the year - Raiko Koorem

Bachelor's student of the year - Cathy Vahi

Master's student of the year - Mart Mänd

Ph.D. Student of the Year - Renee Pesor

Hebster of the year - Denis Shemyakin

Lecturer of the year - Riina Koris

Alumnus of the year - Davor Tamm

Partner of the year - The Startup Wise Guys

Life-time award - Jaan Rand



This year's Gala was hosted at Kaja Kultuurikeskus with the theme of Enchanted Forest, where sustainability met elegance. Check out the event's video and pictures!

Golden Haba Gala award winners

Sharer of Knowledge - Aet Toots

Brain of the Year - Ester Nugis

Housefairy of the Year - Ljudmilla Zubtšenko

The Biggest Party Soul - Aleks Timm

Activist of the Year - Amorlianna Sanchez

Alumni of the Year - Randy Padar

Ebster of the Year - Gabriel Männe

Hebster of the Year - Veera Forsell

Honorary award - Made Katsević



Golden Haba Gala is returning…